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Registred: 07.02.03
Posts: 349
Posted: 02/16/04, 09:38   Quote 

First Autopost for Large Females
User's Reviews

Registred: 03.27.06
Posts: 75
Posted: 01/07/07, 20:55    Quote 

There's some excellent stuff on this site, but I still can't stop myself from mentioning several niggles that I have with it.

Firstly, On the intro pages before you've actually paid your monies and joined the site, there's some pics of some lovely girls who are advertised as having videos. Once you join the site though, you soon find out that quite a few of these girls only appear in picture form, and not in videos as advertised.

The second niggle is the fact that a lot of the stuff here is to be found on several other sites. Now I don't know if these sites are all owned by the same people or if these shows are stolen from other sites, or if the other sites where I have seen them stole them. I actually think its a case of the same people having lots of different web sites showing the same stuff though. I believe this because looking through the bonus sites, once again the same videos often appear.

On the intro pages I was led to believe that it was mainly a masturbation site, but I soon found that this wasn't the case since male models appear in a large selection of the videos. Thats okay if your looking for straight sex scenes with both men and women in them, but when your looking particularly for the female masturbation niche and you are told thats what your going to get, it sticks in the craw when you find that it isn't whats on offer.

Finally, the majority of bonus sites only come in streaming format which I find is often a dead loss since not all the videos want to work, and if they do they often stutter and start.

This really isn't a bad site to be fair, but bear in mind these problems before you give them your hard earned.

Cheers. Dynamo.
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