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Registred: 07.02.03
Posts: 349
Posted: 02/02/04, 10:29   Quote 

First Autopost for K Scans

Registred: 01.11.04
Posts: 1
Posted: 08/21/04, 00:54    Quote 

In my opinion I would BEWARE about a membership to Kscans
When I joined they had a problem with the Windows DRM system attached to KSCANS video section. After sending email they were able to get it working for me. I finally was able to view a video. BEWARE because they do not tell you on the preview page that the videos are not downloadable in the general way you find at most other websites. The videos are encrypted only good for 30 days with the Windows Media Player DRM protection system. You can only use the Windows Media Player, no other media player will work on the files you save to disk to view offline. In my opinion the videos can be called "streaming video" not "downloadable videos" since you can only view them for the length of your membership.

The video problem was not made clear on the preview page. I really didn't like that. The reviews from adult review sites listed in the preview section appear to be outdated not mentioning the download restrictions that seem to have changed on the website since the reviews were written. The adult review sites used on the preview page always indicated "streaming" vs "downloadable" videos and that makes me think something has changes since the review were made. The review dates were quite a few months old. Seems that they should be up front and tell you and not let it be a surprise once you have joined. There is no preview period so if you join your stuck for the long haul. In my opinion if your looking for video content your membership money may be better spent elswhere.

Don't fall for the $49 6 site signup. The 2 additional asian sites only have about 20 videos, just one page worth at each site. All the content is censored Japanese style so it's really poor if you like to see everything (the reason I joined..maybe that's not the case for you). In my opionion and was not worth the additional $10.

I sent some email right after joining to the webmaster complaining about the shortage of content at the asian sites that came with my $49 embership I asked for a refund because of the lack of content and the problem with the video section being misrepresented as "downloadable" in the review section on the preview page. They refused the refund saying "all sites has content,some of them more some of them less. Sorry we can not refund." They would not comment on the video problem and did not give me a refund or answer any other emails. Seems a refund would have been only fair givien the misrepresentaions on the join page. Maybe some people would be happy with the site.

The picture quality is good but there are no zip files of the picture content in KSCANS or the associated KPORN site. If you like to just have 30 days of content for your money then maybe you'll like the sites. In my opinion the videos I did watch at the KSCAN site seemed to be too creative in a anoying way. The scences kept fading away just as the closeups of insertions started. Some sort of fading clock feature. Almost like it was some sort of preview of the "real" action. I was expecting to actually see the insertions.

I will point out the KPORN site does have downloadable video and fulfills the site preview. The videos are short and some are of good quality.

To sum it up in my opinion at this time a membership to KSCANS is a total waste! If the videos were the traditional "downloadable" video found at most other web sites and the pictures were zipped it might be better.

Registred: 03.05.06
Posts: 1
Posted: 03/05/06, 15:45    Quote 

Beware of this Site : icon_mad.gif Movies are breakdown to small and very LOW QUALITY!!!... DVD quality movies or a higher resolution like youll find in give me pink and club sandy etc., you have to PAY a Membership to access them! this site has lots of fetishes both Pictures and Movies BUT LOW FRICKEN QUALITY!I've seen better Sites like clubsandy,give me pink, pix and video babes.tv and even guba net has better qualitymovies, KSCANS SUCKS!!!!!! : icon_mad.gif icon_mad.gif icon_mad.gif i wish i could get my money back. icon_sad.gif well lesson learn and will most likely kepp learning icon_wink.gif

Registred: 03.14.06
Posts: 4
Posted: 03/13/06, 23:17    Quote 

Yep joined this site when they were in 'stripping-down-mode' to split the content between other sites so most of the stuff I joined to ogle over had fooked orft :'( and the promise of the 6 sites for 1 deal was nowhere to be seen (ie they lied lol)

Doh! icon_biggrin.gif

Registred: 06.24.06
Posts: 3
Posted: 11/15/06, 15:22    Quote 


Registred: 07.10.07
Posts: 1
Posted: 07/12/07, 10:18    Quote 

i personally think that kscans is an ametuor cowboy job
it looks like some of the pics and vids were done with a camera phone
with other parties taking photos at the same time
some of the girls look unhappy at what they are doing
as for the bonus sites they are just repeats of one or the others
there are also no zip downloads so you have to download one at a time
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